Dear Friends,
Greetings and welcome to all the new subscribers.
The Highest Truth is that there is just Oneness and this Oneness is You. Everything is You. To see and live this is the ultimate purpose of human life.
Of the many tools available to you in your journey to this Truth, Meditation, Yoga and Pranayama are amongst the most revered and time tested.
Of course these wonderful spiritual sciences, also have material benefits of promoting good health and wellbeing, and so can be invaluable in helping us navigate the challenges we are currently facing with the pandemic.
So today I would like to share with all of you for free the Yoga for Health and Healing E-book, written by Yogi Hank Szypulski and myself.
This 350+ pages e-book is a reservoir of proven techniques to help you stay healthy and heal yourself during these troubled times. There is no catch here, just go ahead and download the book and I hope it will help you uplift your life and optimize your health.
Please download it for free using the link below and save to your device.
Download Yoga for Health & Healing E-Book
Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes
I will be streaming Free Yoga and Meditation Classes on our Facebook Fan Page, so please head over there and subscribe if you would like to participate - Facebook Fan Page.
If you were ever interested in expanding your spiritual practice and improving your health, there is no better time to do so, than when stuck in a Lockdown :-). Initially, these classes will focus on staying healthy and stress free during these tumultuous times. I do hope you will join us.
Much Love,
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